How to let people download a file php

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Learn more. Asked 7 years, 11 months ago. Active 7 months ago. Viewed k times. Thank you in advance. Improve this question.

This will not work, see [this question][1]. Do location. When you need this, it does feel like it's a common thing to ask for, and sadly with no elegant solutions. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Original answer You can't have an AJAX request open the download prompt since you physically have to navigate to the file to prompt for download.

Improve this answer. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Steven Lambert Steven Lambert 5, 1 1 gold badge 26 26 silver badges 44 44 bronze badges. Doesn't this call the link twice? I'm in a similar boat I'm passing a lot of security information in headers, and able to parse the file object in the success function, but don't know how to trigger a download prompt.

It does call the page twice, so if you are querying a database in that page, this means 2 trips to DB. Let me explain how this helped me I have an ajax function that does some error checking on a form submission and then creates a csv file. If the error check fails, it has to come back with why it failed. If it creates the CSV it is telling the parent that "go ahead and fetch the file". But it will send request 2 times, that is not proper — Dharmendrasinh Chudasama.

Show 4 more comments. Taha I tested this on Edge and it seemed to work. Don't know about IE though. My client doesn't target IE users ;- Am I lucky? You certainly want to hide it at the same time. Jelle Kralt Jelle Kralt 6 6 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. The programming language you're using to change window.

You're right mikemaccana, I actually meant ajax :. Have been hunting high and low for a solution and this is so elegant and perfect. Thank you so much. Of course, this solution will only work if it is a static file that already exists. If the server responds with an error though there won't be any way to stay on your main page without being redirected to an error page by the browser.

Mark Amery k 65 65 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Laura Chesches Laura Chesches 2, 17 17 silver badges 15 15 bronze badges. Also the Edge 13 implementations is buggy because the name of the file is ignored and instead you get a file with an id as the name. In my opinion, this is the correct answer to the question. The other answers make sense if you have to support older browsers and need a workaround.

I dont' think is needed. It's already setting the 'src:url' in the creation step. I had to used "window. Maybe because I wanted to download 12 things at the same time? Does not do anything in Chrome — jjxtra. This is base javascript function, so can be used in any platform where backend is in Javascript window. Rohit Parte Rohit Parte 2, 21 21 silver badges 17 17 bronze badges. This is probably the easiest solution if you can set the contentType yourself. I use it as: window. If admin doesn't want to show the URL to the user than?

Works on Chrome, Firefox and IE8 and above. Ismail Farooq 5, 1 1 gold badge 23 23 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges. EL missaoui habib EL missaoui habib 1, 1 1 gold badge 14 14 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges. This also works if you don't append the link to the DOM. Unless headers returned from the server indicate to do otherwise, this will simply navigate to url , not download from it.

Aaron Lelevier Aaron Lelevier Where is the download code? You're just adding an iframe — DevAB. This does not work if your filePath has a querystring since submitting a form will overwrite the querystring in the action attribute. This also closes the websockets. This looks like a really complicated way to set window. Just window. Regardless of whether there's a downside to this solution, per se, you haven't provided any upside to using this over a link.

And there is a downside: you can't use the download attribute this way to tell the browser that you want a download regardless of what headers the server returns, which you can do with an a element. I ended up using the below snippet and it works in most browsers, not tested in IE though. Abk Abk 1, 1 1 gold badge 19 19 silver badges 28 28 bronze badges. What's the point of using MouseEvent here instead of always using click?

And why append the link to the document before clicking it? Maybe this has advantages over the simpler approach shown in stackoverflow. It's been a while I posted this answer. I can't remember if there's any reason behind those unnecessary lines of code. Maciej Krawczyk Maciej Krawczyk 11k 5 5 gold badges 32 32 silver badges 45 45 bronze badges. La masse La masse 1, 1 1 gold badge 8 8 silver badges 24 24 bronze badges.

How is this an improvement? It appears to simply be a more complicated way of doing the same thing. Urmas Repinski Urmas Repinski 1 1 silver badge 6 6 bronze badges. File is getting downloaded but its always corrupt. Any suggestions?

Thank you — Shrivaths Kulkarni. Maybe just have your javascript open a page that just downloads a file, like when you drag a download link to a new tab: Window. This creates a popup window, which most browsers block — Ashton Wiersdorf. This is just the same approach as shown in Imagine Breaker's answer years earlier, but with the added downside of requiring jQuery.

Donny V. Itamar Smirra Itamar Smirra 46 5 5 bronze badges. It just requires a little adjusting: The PHP file can call itself. I don't see the relevance here.

Ifch0o1 Ifch0o1 1 1 gold badge 12 12 silver badges 31 31 bronze badges. Fawad Ali Fawad Ali 5 5 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Note: Not supported in all browsers. Xero Kael Xero Kael 12 12 bronze badges. Community Bot 1 1 1 silver badge. Hitesh Hitesh 3, 10 10 gold badges 37 37 silver badges 80 80 bronze badges. Hope this could help someone out there. This whole function body is just an overcomplicated way of doing window.

The link you create isn't used for anything. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Who is building clouds for the independent developer?


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