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Suggest a dataset here. Home U. Metadata Updated: January 5, Ages of hydrothermal minerals in the districts and zones are the same as, or somewhat younger than, the ages of volcanic host rocks.

Based on volcanic stratigraphy, geochronology, remnant paleosurfaces, and paleopotentiometric surfaces in mining districts and alteration zones, present landforms in the Bodie Hills volcanic field reflect incremental construction of stratovolcanoes and large- to small-volume flow-domes, magmatic inflation, and fault displacements. Landform evolution began with construction of the 15—13 Ma Masonic and 13—12 Ma Aurora volcanic centers in the northwestern and northeastern parts of the field, respectively.

Uranium , prospecting guide : Jarrard , L. To explain the process , we shall briefly outline the steps in vista evaluation for Olympic National Park. Skip to content Author : Rowland W. Author : Rowland W. Author : Janet G. Author : Stephen R. Author : Eric O. Author : Eugene P. Author : United States. Yes No Unsure Camping tent Saved. Yes No Unsure Camping cabin Saved. Yes No Unsure Camping shelter Saved.

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