What if I told you that there is a way that you could get the same feature or even an advanced version on your Android device? Sounds too good to be true? Not really. Here is how you can show network speed in status bar on any Android device: Show Network Activity on your Status Bar 1. You can use the Internet Speed Meter app from the Play Store to get the network activity in the status bar.
You can customize it further by tapping on the Settings icon. In the Settings page, you can customize various aspects of this meter, such as using bits or bytes as the unit, showing the meter on the lockscreen, and various other tweaks.
You can also tap on the Widget Position option to alter the position of the internet speed meter, as shown below. While there are other apps available on the Play Store that claim to provide the same features, I found Internet Speed Meter to be the best out of them all, with the simplest UI and great functionality. Anyway, I had to adopt goodKode's solution as well "to get rid off" the default arrows.
So, I'd advise to stick with the simple solution previously provided as it's the most minimalist and precise approach. Try this The result is.. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Expandable list view move group icon indicator to right Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. Active 1 year, 3 months ago. Viewed 78k times. Not working on Nexus 7. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes.
I was going insane as to why the code everyone on the net seemed to suggest works was not working!!! This answer definitely needs more visibility — AndroidNoob. I have set the target api level to 18, but i get expandablelistview does not have this method. What could be wrong? Good solution, but not for everyone. Scrollbar will be on the left. Plus, changing of the child Views.
A workaround, I should say. Great solution! Your answer won't work across devices with different screen densities. Make sure you convert your offset 40 from DP to pixels before subtracting. While getRight and getWidth both return correct values, setIndicatorBounds seems to have no effect whatsoever.
Could there be something else required? Some sort of layout rule for the items and groups? Michael Michael Thanks Pixie. I tried newListView. The example below demonstrates this and also shows how to persist the storage reference path used.
If your process is shut down, any uploads in progress will be interrupted. However, you can continue uploading once the process restarts by resuming the upload session with the server. This can save time and bandwidth by not starting the upload from the start of the file. To do this, begin uploading via putFile. After your process restarts with an interrupted upload, call putFile again.
But this time also pass the Uri that was saved. Sessions last one week. If you attempt to resume a session after it has expired or if it had experienced an error, you will receive a failure callback. It is your responsibility to ensure the file has not changed between uploads.
There are a number of reasons why errors may occur on upload, including the local file not existing, or the user not having permission to upload the desired file.
You can find more information about errors in the Handle Errors section of the docs. Now that you've uploaded files, let's learn how to download them from Cloud Storage. Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Products Build. Firebase Documentation. Emulator Suite. Overview Emulator Suite.
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Custom Models. Use a custom model. Migrate from the legacy API. Label images with your models. Detect objects with your models. Recognize text.